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For 2020-2022, our Jumpstart for Young Children Manager, Jessica Ramirez was recognized as the Inaugural National Site Manager of the Year for her outstanding work with our Dominguez Hills Jumpstart volunteers. Our Jumpstart volunteer corps members give 300 hours a year to Compton preschooler mentoring them for reading and math readiness, language development, and social emotional development.
SLICE has been recognized nationally for its work in helping students examine issues of justice, diversity, and social responsibility through service learning.
The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Presidential Award, 2014
For the fifth straight year, CSUDH was recognized for its commitment to the community and the hours its students give to schools and nonprofits. CSUDH was listed on the 2010 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with distinction for exemplary service. In 2014, we were chosen to receive the top award for General Community Engagement! We are incredibly proud of all of the hard work our students, faculty, and staff engaging with our local to global communities. Click here for a news story about the award, or here to watch a video presentation.
Presidential Award Finalist, 2013
CSUDH was named as a Presidential Award Finalist in the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll by the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Honor Roll recognizes higher education institutions that reflect the values of exemplary community service and achieve meaningful outcomes in their communities. Selection to the Honor Roll is recognition from the highest levels of the federal government of your school's commitment to service and civic engagement on campus and in our nation.
Carnegie Institute of Higher Learning Community Engagement Classification, 2010
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching selected CSUDH for its Carnegie Community Engagement Classification. Out of 305 universities that applied nationwide, CSUDH was one of only 115 given this distinction in 2010. The Carnegie Community Engagement Classification is given to those institutions that can demonstrate a culture in the areas of curricular engagement, outreach, and partnerships. At CSUDH there are numerous public-private opportunities for students to not only enrich their academic pursuits, but also engage in addressing community needs.